
You can choose more than one option

Azithromycin is used all over South Asia and South East Asia.

Ciprofloxacin mostly used in Africa and South America.

Xifaxanta is applicable in any region..

If you are traveling with your partner or family, each member will need to register individually with their own email address to get personalized medication. A refund from an account with more orders will be refunded.

You have an underlying medical condition
You've been through a major surgical procedure
You have allergic reactions
You have cardiovascular conditions or might have had suffered a stroke
You suffer from a low liver or kidney function

Could you please tell us the reason for your trip?
For which duration will you be on the road?
Are your flights already booked?

You experience high fever?.
You spot blood in your excrement?
You are unable to retain any foods and drinks?
You are showing signs of dehydration such as confusion, not peeing for more than 8 hours, dizziness, or wearing out?
You excreted 8 or more unformed stools in the last one day?
You are showing signs of obstruction in the intestines such as constipation, stomach discomfort, and vomiting?
Your symptoms seem to worsen, persist or reappear even when under medication?

If you have, did you experience any negative side effects?

Ergotamine for headache.
Cisapride tpo manage stomach discomfort.
Terfenadine to manage high fever.
Sotalol or amiodarone for circulatory conditions.
Amisulpride for bi-polar disorder.
Colchicine for the gout
Digoxin for arrhythmia
Edoxaban a blood thinner
Ticagrelor a blood thinner
Topotecan for cancer
Warfarin to thin the blood.
Ciclosporin to suppress the immune system).

Please select your option
Transmale (Born a female)
Transfemale (Born a male)

Please select your option
Presently Pregnant
Presently Breastfeeding
Planning on getting pregnant
Neither Pregnant nor Breastfeeding

Please provide more information of the medication being used if any.

Providing us with your physician's address means that you allow us to share this information with him/her for updated medical records if need be. It also allows our clinician to access your medical records if there is a need for that. We advice you share this treatment with your doctor for him/her to update your medical records.

If you have, did you experience any negative side effects?

Epilepsy, convulsions, or fits.
Grave myaesthenia.
Deficiency in glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase.

Consumption of Acetazolamide does not serve as substitute for acclimatisation methods unconscious
Whenever acclimatisation techniques are applied, it is not always necessary to use Acetazolamide
Despite taking Acetazolamide, some people still experience altitude sickness including HACE and HAPE
Please reach out if you need help comprehending this

Your joins become painful due to swelling?
Your vision is affected?
You suffer an allergic reaction?

Your urine may appear red after taking Xifaxanta pills? However, this is completely safe.
You should wait for at least two hours before taking Xifaxanta if you are using activated charcoal?