Health Blog

flu vaccine

Of course its entirely up to you, but I thought I’d share some thoughts and facts which may help you decide what to do. When is the right time? As soon as possible – the flu season is generally from…

water and apple

This seems to be on the wish list of many before bearing our bodies to the summer sun. Losing weight is a matter of simple maths- to lose one pound you need to take in 3500 calories less than you…

Happy lady

What makes us happy is a huge factor in health and wellness and we all have different views on what it is and how we experience it. One  factor that comes to mind might be exercise as there’s plenty of discussion in…


As a Pharmacist with a Wellness clinic this is an interesting perhaps controversial topic to discuss. My pharmacy education has taught me the importance of scientific facts and supporting evidence. However alternative or as we now prefer to call them complementary…

stressed lady

How many time a day do we hear the word stress? In a faster-paced, more competitive world with technology providing more to deal with rather than less, how can we best cope in today’s world. Whilst holiday season is here…

massage towels

I love a good Massage whether its back, shoulders, feet- I really don’t mind as long as it’s with a good practitioner! Massage may produce feelings of relaxation and a sense of well-being, but what does the science say? and…

exercise walk in the woods

Exercise is an important part of a healthy lifestyle, in addition to nutrition (a balanced diet) and adequate hydration (drinking water). Most people would think of exercise being an important part of achieving a healthy weight, but the immediate response is often a gym membership or starting running.