
Reflexology is a gentle, relaxing therapy. The aim of reflexology is to help restore balance to the body naturally and improve general well-being. Reflexology practitioners work on points with their thumbs, fingers using specialised massage techniques. Foot massage is the usual way in which reflexology is given- the feet can be seen as a ‘map’ of the body

Reflexology may help with

  • Stress, anxiety and tension
  • Low mood
  • Sleep problems
  • Tension headaches
  • General wellbeing
  • Relaxation

What can I expect from a Reflexology treatment?

Suitable for all ages a full consultation decides whether treatment can proceed. You will remain fully clothed, just take off your shoes (and socks) and lie on a couch or sit in a chair if preferred.The practitioner will then apply some pressure to your feet using their thumbs and fingers. Even if you have ticklish feet, the firmness of the hold on your feet by the practitioner should not make you feel uncomfortable. Following treatment, you will be advised to drink plenty of water to eliminate toxins from your body and rest as much as possible.

More Information

Reflexology can be traced back to ancient Egypt and China over 5000 years ago. It is sometimes called zone therapy or reflex therapy developed by Eunice D. Ingham a nurse and physiotherapist in the 1930s. When imbalances or illnesses occur it is thought that energy channels which flow through our bodies become blocked. A professionally trained reflexologist detects areas on the feet that may be out of balance to affect the corresponding organ or system in the body.

Private Fee: from £25