Often quicker than making  a GP appointment our NHS Prescribing Pharmacist service in Neath offers free consultations and NHS prescriptions for treatments (where advisable) from our Pharmacist Prescriber.

We can offer an appointment for a range of common ailments or minor illnesses

Choose which pharmacy you’d like to attend and book an NHS appointment Online after reading the information provided below

What can be treated under the NHS Prescribing Pharmacist service?

Currently our Prescribing Pharmacist can assess:

Skin conditions including:

Infections –shingles, impetigo, cellulitis, paronychia, ingrowing toenail infections, infected bites



Dry Skin


Ear Infections and ear wax

Sinusitis, rhinitis, tonsillitis, oral thrush

Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) – female


Who can make an appointment?

Anyone who lives in Wales or is registered to a Welsh GP practice and is able to attend the pharmacy in person.

You can either be referred by your GP or other healthcare professional or can self-refer to this service. If you are unsure  please speak to our pharmacy team for advice.

If you are suffering with an eye condition you should visit a local optician first for a free NHS eye examination.


What to expect from the NHS Common Ailment service

You’ll need to allow the Prescribing Pharmacist access to your NHS record.

You will have a private consultation with the pharmacist prescriber in a consultation room, this will usually take between 10 and 15 minutes.

You don’t have to make an appointment but for this popular service it is best to.

Your doctor (GP) will be sent information about the advice and any prescription you have received.

Sometimes the pharmacist may need to refer you to your GP or another healthcare professional if they are unable to treat your condition.


What if the NHS Common Ailment service does not fit my needs?

You can of course access other NHS appointments, Click here for a leaflet on choosing the right service in the NHS

You could also check out our range of private treatment options by clicking here

NHS Fee: £0